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Bensham Manor Bowling Club

Are you looking for a reason to get

outside this Summer?

Bowls could be the answer.

The season starts at the end of April and runs until the end of September. Pop along one Tuesday evening from 6pm and see what it's all about. Alternatively, join us from 2:30pm on the 25th May
 2024 for our open day. It clashes with the FA Cup Final this year (our bad) but that may not be a bad thing!

If you don't know much about the game check out the light hearted video below which will give you a taster.

Oh, one more thing, Bowls is an ideal sport to be played by most members of the family, so bring them all down.
We look forward to seeing you.     

Our new changing room is here!

It has taken a while, but the work on the new changing room and sprucing up the existing Pavilion is nearing completion and both buildings look great.


A special thanks to:


Sport England, who with the club, have provided the funding for the project.


Croydon Council, who provided administrative assistance without which the project would not have reached a conclusion.


The friends and members of the club who gave up so much of their time to take us this far.



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