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Bensham Manor Bowling Club

Social Events

The club has an active social side, however, we are always trying to squeeze in a few more events!
Regular fixtures include:

Presentation Dinner - January
The highlight of the club's social calendar! At the start of the year, the club recognises the achievements of its players during the previous season. Good food, wine and company assured .... however, no guarantees can be given as to the quality of the dancing!
Quiz Night - March
Another highlight and always well attended. The annual quiz night with a fish 'n' chip supper.
BBQ - July & September
There are usually two BBQ's held during the season. Non players are encouraged to arrive a little early to catch the last few ends of play in the day.
Captain v President Dinner - September
The playing season ends with the Captain v President game followed by a meal in a local restuarant.

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